March 21, 2007

Blast from Spot's Past

In year one of Spot the very first event that came to Iowa was ODC/San Francisco in April/May 2005. Lots of Spot Kids will remember this energetic and fun group that made lots of friends in Iowa. I keep tabs on what they are doing on their website and I saw this great photo there this week and thought Spot Kids would love it! Click here.

Lori at ODC told me: “It is Annie in the photo. She is pictured with Jordan Wilkes who plays on the Cal Bears basketball team. He’s 7’4” and Annie is 5’ 2” and they had great fun in that photo shoot. They even have a dancing duet at the fundraiser that we are doing in April." Annie was on the Iowa tour.

I sure wish I could see this event; sounds fun!

Thanks to Lori and ODC for permission to use the photos. SEE ANOTHER ONE HERE! Lori grew up in Cedar Rapids so when ODC was here it was a blast from her past. These great photos are by RJ Muna. If you look at the ODC website you can see more of his work and they are wonderful dance images.