April 23, 2007

Bailey reports from the school on Monday

[from Bailey, Perry Spot Reporter]
Today at 9:30 in the Multi Purpose Room at Perry Elementary, David and Daniel did a performance for the third grade. I went, and got to miss one of my classes. He shouted and screamed as he told us a story about a young boy called Ben. My friends told me later that they could hear him shouting, "Give us a song!"

Daniel played more excellent music, and the third graders laughed a lot. Then he asked us about what super power we would like to have the most. Lots of people said flying, laser eyes, and one person said, "The power to eat as much pie as I want." It was really fun.

Later on that day, my mom, my sister, and I went to PACES, the after-school program for students. PACES stands for Perry's Academic and Cultural Enrichment Services. He had to do the performance twice, and I got to hear four different stories. Daniel tried to do a trick standing over his piano, but he fell. Everybody laughed. David told everybody they needed to go to the Tuesday night performance, and as a treat, they should pay for their parents. Everybody was thrilled at his performance, and I'm sure most everybody is going to go to the performance.

In a little while, adults only (too bad) will go to Casa de Oro for a chance to talk to David and ask him questions.

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!