April 28, 2007

Day 6 on the Spot Tour--Spencer

I just went downtown to get a cup of great coffee from Micah. He is new to town, hooked up with a long time resident, and opened a coffee shop. You can just tell he is the kind of barista that really cares about his product and his art. Everything is done methodically and precisely. The brewed coffee is French press. Amazing. So I went to pay and he said that there was a paid running tab for us from someone in town. What?! How many ways can you say nice? I hope whoever it is will read this and hear my thanks.

But on to Spot. After awhile the superlatives start to become superfluous. You have to experience David and Daniel to really understand the magic and depth of what they do. Friday's activities all were amazing. A jammed classroom at Johnson School of lower grades were once again taken on David's journey. David met with the teachers the day before to talk about the special needs kids in the group and what to expect for these special kids. David's background in music therapy and working with kids once again made the event very special for all.

A teacher workshop later in the day was so good. These 20-some teachers jumped right in to the activity. I was thinking how you take 20-some regular folks and it is like pulling teeth to get them to participate. I have to admit I am one of them and I hide behind my camera so David won't say to me: “You, sir, you're not helping us here. Get those hands up.” I watched one young adult guy at an after school program crack up laughing when David chided him for not participating. And of course he did join right in and had a ball.

One of the most successful activities in Spencer (well, actually, they all are but...) is always the family workshop night at an empty store front at the mall. I forgot to count but there were tons of people there and they all learned the basics of storytelling while having way too much fun.

So that was day six. Some of us went to a movie at the mall too late last night and I was thinking again about the music. Daniel said he has done movie music. I have noticed how quickly I get into one of David's stories when the music starts. The music sets a mood and I think really facilitates getting the picture. Much of what Daniel does is improvisational and amazing. There go those superlatives again but I just don't know how to do it any better.

All along I have been aware how when you leave one of David's stories, you leave with a really strong, good message about life and relationships and raising kids. I know in large part that is David's ability to make the story work on so many levels. He told the teachers that he does the story to make it work for kids but be interesting for adults. An example of this from his story of "The Fisherman and His Wife" are two asides. One is about a great big tv which the kids always gasp at and the other is about the fisherman refinancing his shack at just the right time which the adults love and appreciate. These are in the context of a fairy tale story and very funny.

So anyway, great day today in Spencer. Next up, the big show.


1 comment:

TreeBed said...

So glad to meet all of you, and also happy to share a passion of mine. Thank you for bringing your energy and hard work to our neck of the woods... hope to see you again soon.